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Don’t Let a Pest Problem Crash Your Housewarming

The housing market in Vancouver is heating up. But a new space isn’t the only thing buyers are getting; some homeowners are also inheriting some uninvited guests. Pest problems are pretty common, particularly in older homes, and the cost of residential pest control in Vancouver could be leaving some new buyers with an unpleasant surprise.

Many signs of a pest infestation are difficult to detect if you don’t know what to look for, even for an experienced home inspector. So, before taking all conditions off the table, Vancouver home buyers may want to consider hiring a residential pest control service to inspect the property first.

What Kind of Damage Can a Pest Problem Cause?

The potential for property damage resulting from an undisclosed pest infestation depends on the type of pest and the extent of the infestation. For example, rats and mice not only urinate and defecate throughout a home, potentially exposing occupants to bacteria, parasites, and disease, but they also like to chew on electrical wires and make nests with insulation and other household materials, which can lead to serious property damage.

Another very concerning potential pest exposure is bed bugs – once they infiltrate your home and your belongings, they are extremely difficult to get rid of.

The cost of residential pest control in Vancouver can range from a few hundred dollars for a typical infestation to a few thousand dollars for more complex situations. In either case, it is better to know what you are getting into before you take possession of your new home.

How Residential Pest Control Services in Vancouver Can Help

A pest control expert knows how to identify the signs of an infestation, and they will leave no stone unturned to help ensure the safety of your new home. Here are a few examples of the types of things a residential pest control expert will look for.

Rodent Droppings

Rodents like mice and rats leave evidence of their presence all over the house, but the clues may not be easy to catch if you aren’t looking in the right places. A pest inspection will get onto all the deep, dark corners of a home, places like kitchen cabinets, storage rooms, the basement, and the attic. Even if a home has recently been cleaned, a pest inspector will find the evidence if there is an infestation.

Wood and Infrastructure Damage

Some insects, like carpenter ants, roaches, termites, and bed bugs, can damage a home’s wooden structure. Finding evidence of these types of infestations before closing on a sale can eliminate expensive repairs. An inspector will look for holes or gnaw marks and damage around the floors and floorboards. They will also look for damage that may not be visible by the naked eye, like creaks or hallows sounds behind walls, under floorboards, or around window frames.

Stains, Shells, and Dead Bugs

Bugs like moths and bed bugs often leave visible stains, eggs, and shed skins, if you know where to look and what to look for. Rust-coloured spots on sheets are a common sign of bed bugs, as are shed skins and hatched eggs are hidden in the corners of mattresses.

The same goes for dead bugs. If many dead bugs are appearing in corners of the room, around windows, or underneath furniture, there’s a good chance there are plenty of live ones running around.

Pest infestations can lead to expensive pest control measures and potentially significant damage to the home. More than that, they present health and safety issues for everyone living in a home. Before you buy, protect your investment and invest in residential pest control in Vancouver first.